Thursday, April 22, 2010

Trevor HELP!!!


Can you post the instructions on how to become a follower and how to post? I have friends and family that are having a hard time. Is this correct: you can become a follower with a yahoo, twitter, aim account but you can't post a blog unless you have a gmail account? Please post how to do both ways...make it a step by step process...Thanks!


  1. They do not make the blog post, thats our job. they comment and talk about it.. maybe give us suggestions on things to talk about. but yes you can become a follower and post COMMENTS on our blogs through yahoo, aim, etc.

  2. They are having a hard time commenting on our blogs. Below it says comment as: and then you have to choose one from below. What if they don't have any of those accounts? I'll talk with you Tuesday.
